Heed These End-of-Season AC Repair Needs

September 27th, 2021

Here we are at the official start of fall! This means it’s time to start thinking about our heating systems, and how well equipped they are to get us through the cooler weather we’re about to be graced with.

Chances are you’ve been using your cooling system on a fairly consistent basis though, so even though your heater should be on your mind, you don’t want to forget about all the work your air conditioner has done. Doing so could leave you with a surprise repair need!

The good news is, most air conditioner repair needs make themselves known before the system actually fully breaks down. We’ll share some signs and symptoms below!

We have to emphasize how important it is to only have a trained and experience professional check on your air conditioner. Trying to formally diagnose or repair your air conditioner yourself can do more harm than good to the system. Plus, it can void out your HVAC system warranty!

Read on to learn some of the signs of a failing or struggling air conditioner.

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Tips for a More Efficient Central Air Conditioner

September 13th, 2021

Staying cool throughout one of our hot and long summers can be quite the feat, but with a reliable and effective central air conditioner, it’s entirely possible. Even if your AC system is working “okay” it doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement.

Read on as we share some great tips for how to boost the energy efficiency of your central air conditioner without sacrificing comfort. Between these tips and our expert AC services, you can rest assured that you can get through the rest of our summer weather without any unexpected mishaps.

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What Goes Into a Great AC Installation?

August 16th, 2021

The first thing we’re going to say is, a great AC installation starts with hiring a great AC installer–that is, a trained and experienced professional. We understand the temptation to install an air conditioner on your own, but unless it’s a window unit or some other portable air conditioning system, we really advise against this.

The fact of the matter is, there are very careful steps that must be taken in order to successfully install an air conditioner, and if any of these steps are missed or done too fast, it could lead to problems such as refrigerant leaks, inefficient system operation, and even a premature system breakdown.

Of course, if you’re shopping for an air conditioner this time of the year, when temperatures are at their highest, then we do understand the sense of urgency. Rushing into a large purchase like this could leave you sacrificing comfort and efficiency. Read on as we outline a few of the main reasons you should only trust a trained professional for the job, if you truly want a successful AC installation.

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Signs That Your Central Air Conditioner Is Struggling

August 2nd, 2021

The central air conditioner you have installed in your home is one of your household’s most prized resources, even if you don’t think of it as such. Consider how much it does for your quality of life!

Central air conditioners are also one of the most specialized home comfort systems that can be found in a household–while the average homeowner can typically handle small tasks like fixing a leaky faucet, replacing an outlet plate, or changing their air filter, anything that involves adjusting or repairing the components of an air conditioner must be done by a trained and experienced professional.

Just like your vehicle or any other big piece of equipment, your AC system needs routine professional maintenance to keep it working as it should, and it’s a lot easier, and more affordable, to address a problem when it’s just begun rather than when it’s had time to build up and create further problems within the system. But how do you know when your air conditioner needs repair service? Read on to find out!

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Need a New AC? Pay Attention to Sizing

July 19th, 2021

Summer isn’t going away any time soon, so if you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to ensure that your air conditioner is fully equipped to handle the rest of the heat this season is bringing. Of course, for some homeowners, this might mean investing in a brand new air conditioner altogether. If this is the case, you’ll want to make sure that the air conditioner you purchase is the right size, first and foremost.

We get it, when it’s this far into the season and you find yourself needing a new cooling system, it’s tempting to rush into your purchase. But we really want to encourage you to take your time and not just find the biggest system on the market that will fit your budget. Size and power matter here–not just making sure your air conditioner has enough power, but also ensuring it doesn’t have too much.

Read on to learn more about the problems with both an undersized/underpowered unit and an oversized/overpowered air conditioner.

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AC Compressor Damage: Repair or Replace?

July 5th, 2021

Over the years, there are many problems that can come up with your home’s air conditioner, due to nothing more than natural wear and tear. This is especially true in a climate like ours, that gets hot and humid during the summer.

As your air conditioning system ages, you may find yourself facing things like refrigerant leaks, failed capacitors, and breached ductwork. Fortunately, many if not most of these problems are very easily resolvable, especially if caught during your annual maintenance appointment.

There is one AC repair in particular thought that’s especially frustrating to deal with, and that’s a broken down or damaged compressor. The compressor serves as the heart of your air conditioner, and the refrigerant that runs through it is what makes the entire cooling process possible. So you might wonder when yours breaks down, “Should I repair my air conditioner, or replace it?”

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The Steps of Professional AC Maintenance Are…

June 21st, 2021

If you follow our blog, you’ll see us mention maintenance… a lot. There’s a good reason for this! Maintenance is a vital service for both your cooling and your heating systems. Too many homeowners see it as a “luxury” service they’ll just get when they can afford. But in reality, maintenance is a necessity, and one that will save you money in the long run.

Professional air conditioning maintenance enables our technicians to find small problems with your air conditioner before they progress into much bigger emergency repair needs. This helps your cooling system perform better and last longer. This is fantastic news for your budget! Still though, maybe you’re wondering what actually happens during maintenance that makes this all worth it? Keep reading and we’ll answer!

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How to Make Your Central Air Conditioning More Efficient

June 7th, 2021

In the next couple of weeks, summer will officially be upon us! Of course, warmer temperatures have been known to grace us early, too. So now is the perfect time to make sure that your air conditioner is ready for the coming heat, and that you’ll be able to use your cooling system as efficiently as possible.

That said, we hope you’ve taken the time to have spring maintenance done. Maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust system components that need it for better system performance.

Even without maintenance, however, there are some actions you can take to boost the efficiency of your cooling system and therefore lower cooling costs. Keep reading as we go through some tips on how!

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Is It Time to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner?

May 24th, 2021

Summer is right around the corner, which means that right now is the perfect time to check on your air conditioner. You should ensure that your system is up to the job of getting you through the season. If it really isn’t up to the job of keeping you cool over the coming months, then it’s wise to replace it now, instead of waiting for the system to break down entirely.

The last thing you need is to be stuck with an air conditioner that simply doesn’t work on one of the hottest days of the year. Read on as we uncover a few signs that it’s probably time to upgrade your air conditioner before summer gets here.

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Noisy AC? Don’t Ignore These Particular Sounds

May 10th, 2021

It would be great if we had air conditioners that could self-diagnose themselves and then send us an alert through an app on our smartphones to tell us that something is amiss. To be honest, that’s probably not too much of a stretch for the future. Unfortunately, it’s not a reality quite yet.

For now, we do have to rely on other means to warn us that something is wrong with our air conditioning systems. Perhaps it’s a sudden drop in cooling power, or an unexpected rise in your energy bills. Or it might even be that your circuit breakers connected to your AC system are constantly tripping.

One of the most common signs that something is wrong with your air conditioner is that it’s making loud or unfamiliar noises. You know more than anyone the everyday sound of your HVAC systems. If something sounds strange, it’s worth giving our team a call.

So what kind of sound are we talking about? Read on!

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