What’s a Tankless Water Heater Good For?

January 16th, 2023

You’ve probably heard about “tankless water heaters,” which are becoming more common in homes across the country. You may not know much else about them, so like many people who are new to this technology, you might wonder if there’s any real advantages to getting one. 

In simpler terms: “What’s a tankless water heater good for?”

The simple answer is: “Lots!” The longer answer is below…

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When Is a Furnace Too Old?

December 19th, 2022

It would be wonderful if you only had to purchase one furnace for your home (probably the furnace that came with it) and never had to worry about it again. It would work flawlessly for your family each winter season, providing you with warmth, comfort, and safety, and you’d never have to have it replaced.

This is a fantasy, of course. Any powerful mechanical system can run into malfunctions, and no heating system can run forever. But it’s easy to fall into thinking that your heating system is just going to run year after year—and then one day, it doesn’t, and you’re stuck trying to get it replaced.

The way to avoid this situation is to take stock of your furnace and know when to start considering a replacement. We’ll address the question of when a furnace is “too old” below.

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Are You Changing Your Furnace Filter Often Enough?

December 5th, 2022

There is a plethora of advice we can offer to help your heating system perform better and be more energy-efficient each fall and winter. We also have plenty of heating systems to choose from and expert services to make sure your heating system stays in great condition throughout the years. But if there’s any piece of wisdom we can share that could help you take control over the efficacy and efficiency of your furnace it’s this–change its air filter!

Yes, this is a small maintenance task that homeowners can (and should) do on their own on a regular basis. The air filter isn’t there to protect your indoor air quality, but the furnace itself. Read on to learn more!

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It’s Not Too Late to Schedule a Tune-Up!

November 21st, 2022

If there is any heating service we would say is most important, after professional installation that is, it would be routine professional heating maintenance. Sure, it’s a little late to schedule this service… but unless your heater has completely broken down beyond repair, it’s never too late.

In fact, it’s more important that you are consistent with this service than it is what time of year you have it done. Maintenance allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust components of your heating system so it performs as powerfully and efficiently as it should. Plus, it saves you money! Read on as we uncover some of the top reasons you should call us today to schedule your heating maintenance session if you skipped one this fall.

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How to Improve Your Furnace Efficiency

November 7th, 2022

Did you have heating maintenance done this past fall? If you did, great! Your heater is probably in good shape and ready to make it through the rest of the winter weather we have this season. At least, this is the case if you followed up on repair needs that were recommended at the time. Maintenance is also vital to keeping the efficiency of your heater up. Actually, each year you skip maintenance, your heater can lose about 5% of its efficiency.

Maintenance is not the only way to boost heating efficiency! It’s definitely the first step, and a very important step at that. But there are other things you can do that are affordable and even free, that help improves efficiency and therefore save money. Read on as we uncover a few tips on how to do this.

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Schedule This Service to Prevent Water Heater Scaling

October 24th, 2022

You may have read this blog post and immediately wondered what scaling is–the short answer is that it’s a build-up of hard water minerals and over time it can have a significant negative impact on your water heater.

Hard water has excessive amounts of minerals in it–most notably calcium, magnesium, and sometimes iron. These minerals are completely harmless to ingest for you and your household, but they’re not harmless to your plumbing system, and your water heater is no exception.

Read on to learn more about scaling, and the service you need to prevent this problem–annual water heater maintenance.

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Have You Scheduled This Important Heating Service Yet?

October 10th, 2022

Fall is officially upon us, and along with some rain, we’re slowly but surely seeing our nights (and days) become chillier. How’s your fall planning going? Now is a great time to assess whether or not your home is actually ready for the change of seasons. A huge part of this is scheduling your heating maintenance tune-up.

We’ll dive into this further below, but heating maintenance helps your heater work reliably–it allows us to comprehensively clean, inspect, and adjust the components that need it, so that your heater works as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. Ultimately, this helps you save money. Read on to learn how!

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Top 5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs To Be Repaired

September 26th, 2022

You know the saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone?” If there’s one situation where that saying applies, it’s when your air conditioner calls it a day. If you’ve ever tried to sleep during hot and humid weather without being able to cool the room, you know what we mean!

Stay comfortable when the temperature rises by catching air conditioning issues early, and thereby prevent them from blossoming into problems that will really bruise your wallet. Keep an eye and ear out for these five signs your air conditioner needs to be repaired.

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“Is It Time to Replace My Air Conditioner?”

September 12th, 2022

No air conditioning system lasts forever, unfortunately! Here at W.C. Butler, we have no shame in being honest about that–we want our customers to be well-informed about the comfort systems in their homes, and we aim to make sure your expectations about those systems are managed.

HVAC systems are one of the biggest investments people make in their homes, so when it does come time to replace one, it makes sense that you want to make an educated decision. After all, does it really need to be replaced, or can it get by with just a repair for now?

The short answer to this question is, “it depends.” Read on to learn what the longer answer is.

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The Key to a Successful AC Installation

August 15th, 2022

If you’re looking for AC installation tips smack in the middle of August, chances are that you’re likely in a rush to get a new cooling system. As such, you might be tempted to install your own air conditioner. It’s faster and cheaper right?

Unfortunately, the phrase “you get what you pay for” really rings true when it comes to HVAC services. We highly recommend professional AC installation, not just because we’re a trusted HVAC contractor in the area, but also because we know how an amateur AC installation can hurt efficiency, performance, and even the longevity of your equipment.

Read on as we uncover the reason why the key to a successful AC installation is hiring a professional to do the job.

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