W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Heed These Signs You Need Furnace Repairs

Monday, January 17th, 2022

No homeowner wants to discover that they are paying a lot of money to heat up their home, however not getting the comfort they expect to stay comfortable.

Maybe your heating system is running intermittently, or maybe the system never seems to stop running. These are just a couple of the potential warning signs that your furnace needs repair.

It’s important to be aware of these signs that something could be amiss. Heaters are pretty important in our area, and the sooner you address repair needs, the better off you’ll be for the coming months.

Read on as we uncover some of the top signs that you might need professional furnace repairs.

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Don’t Ignore These Heater Noises

Monday, December 20th, 2021

During this time of year, there are probably some noises you welcome. Maybe carolers traveling through your neighborhood, or holiday music on your radio. There are other noises, however, that aren’t so pleasant, and definitely should never be turned out or ignored–we’re talking about strange noises coming from your heater.

Now, there is not such thing as a completely silent heating system. You will always hear it cycle on and off. Plus, if you’re using a furnace that has ductwork, you might hear a slight rattle as the ducts expand and contract with temperature fluctuations. And then of course, you’ll hear the whoosh of air coming through the vents.

You really shouldn’t hear much beyond this, though. If you notice noises that you’ve never heard before coming from your heater, no matter how subtle, it’s probably time to give us a call. Read on as we uncover what some of these noises might be.

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Heed These Signs Your Furnace Needs Help

Monday, November 8th, 2021

Sitting around worrying about your heater breaking down at any moment is not an ideal way to live, and certainly not what we want for you. Of course, if you’ve had your system professionally tuned up within the last year, and you know the signs of a heater that’s in disrepair, you don’t have to worry about this!

But, what if you don’t know the signs of a heating system in disrepair? Well, that’s alright, we’re here to help.

It first warrants mentioning that fending off heavy repair needs requires that professional tune-up we just mentioned. It doesn’t matter if you use a gas-powered or electric furnace, you need professional maintenance to keep it working as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

Still though, it’s good to know the signs that a furnace needs repair, because even between maintenance sessions, good ol’ wear and tear can have an impact. Read on as we uncover just a few of the most common signs of a struggling furnace, then give us a call if you notice any of them!

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