W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

When You Should Repair Your AC Vs. Replace It

Monday, July 18th, 2022

We’re nearing the traditionally hottest time of summer, and if you are experiencing any AC issues right now, then we imagine you’re feeling a bit panicked. We don’t blame you! Fortunately, though, we’re on your side and here to help.

Of course, you’re either going to hear one of two recommendations from us… repair your AC, or replace it. The latter may seem dramatic, but depending on the factors we’re going to cover below, it may be the best choice.

Be sure to reach out to our team to learn more about what AC options are on the market today, and how replacing or upgrading your air conditioner can benefit you. Read on!

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What Actually Happens During Air Conditioner Maintenance?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, then you know we talk about maintenance a lot. This is because preventive maintenance has a number of benefits for your air conditioner. It helps it operate as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible.

It helps reduce repair needs by as much as 85% and helps the system retain up to 95% of its original efficiency rating. But you might be wondering, how? What actually happens during maintenance that allows it to be so beneficial for your air conditioner? Read on to find out.

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Your Guide to Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, June 6th, 2022

There are few things more frustrating than an air conditioning repair need when you just want comfort on a hot day. Fortunately, we aren’t at the peak of our warmer temperatures yet, so you still have time to schedule maintenance in order to help avoid repair needs (more on that below!)

But if you know you already need repairs, you may have questions before you give our team a call. We get it! We’ve addressed some of the most commonly asked AC repair questions we get in our guide below. Read on to learn more!

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Subtle Signs That Your AC Is Struggling

Monday, May 9th, 2022

While our recent weather certainly hasn’t warranted the regular use of our air conditioning systems, summer is closer than you think. When temperatures (and humidity) increase this year, you want to make sure that your cooling system is ready.

The best way to ensure this, and reduce repair needs, is with professional maintenance. Annual tune-ups (or biannual, if you’re using a heat pump system) will help your system work as effectively and efficiently as possible, for as long as possible.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that your air conditioner might need repairs in between maintenance sessions. So if you notice any of the following signs, or anything else that seems amiss, no matter when you turn your air conditioner on this spring or summer, then please give us a call.

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What Actually Happens During AC Maintenance?

Monday, April 11th, 2022

If you’ve followed our blog, then you know that we talk about how important maintenance is. In fact, just recently we published a blog post about the importance of timely air conditioning maintenance. Still, though, homeowners are often hesitant to spend money on a service they don’t need “right now.”

The thing about maintenance is that it is preventative. It actually helps you avoid problems that could otherwise crop up later. In fact, maintenance can help you avoid up to 85% of future repair needs that can arise. Read on to learn more about this service, specifically what we actually do during this service!

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“What Kind of AC Should I Have Installed?”

Monday, March 28th, 2022

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable all year round, you have many options for climate control systems. And your air conditioner is a high priority, considering how hot and icky our summers can get.

But an air conditioner purchase is definitely not an investment you want to rush into. You want to carefully consider all the factors that go into getting a new AC system, and what type of system will best meet your specific needs and home.

You should also make sure you only trust a professional for your AC installation and other services. Going with an amateur or trying to install the system on your own can leave you with an improperly sized and/or improperly functioning system. So, what are your options? Read on to find out!

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Is It Time for a Cooling System Tune-Up?

Monday, March 14th, 2022

It’s time to get set up for spring and summer! We know, warmer temperatures seem a long way off, but the truth is that they’re just right around the corner. And so, you want to make sure that your cooling system is ready.

Scheduling AC maintenance, also known as a tune-up, before springtime arrives is the best way to make sure that your cooling system operates as efficiently and effectively as possible for as long as possible, throughout this season and its lifespan. Read on as we uncover some top reasons that now is the perfect time to schedule your next cooling system tune-up!

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Heed These End-of-Season AC Repair Needs

Monday, September 27th, 2021

Here we are at the official start of fall! This means it’s time to start thinking about our heating systems, and how well equipped they are to get us through the cooler weather we’re about to be graced with.

Chances are you’ve been using your cooling system on a fairly consistent basis though, so even though your heater should be on your mind, you don’t want to forget about all the work your air conditioner has done. Doing so could leave you with a surprise repair need!

The good news is, most air conditioner repair needs make themselves known before the system actually fully breaks down. We’ll share some signs and symptoms below!

We have to emphasize how important it is to only have a trained and experience professional check on your air conditioner. Trying to formally diagnose or repair your air conditioner yourself can do more harm than good to the system. Plus, it can void out your HVAC system warranty!

Read on to learn some of the signs of a failing or struggling air conditioner.

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Tips for a More Efficient Central Air Conditioner

Monday, September 13th, 2021

Staying cool throughout one of our hot and long summers can be quite the feat, but with a reliable and effective central air conditioner, it’s entirely possible. Even if your AC system is working “okay” it doesn’t mean there is no room for improvement.

Read on as we share some great tips for how to boost the energy efficiency of your central air conditioner without sacrificing comfort. Between these tips and our expert AC services, you can rest assured that you can get through the rest of our summer weather without any unexpected mishaps.

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What Goes Into a Great AC Installation?

Monday, August 16th, 2021

The first thing we’re going to say is, a great AC installation starts with hiring a great AC installer–that is, a trained and experienced professional. We understand the temptation to install an air conditioner on your own, but unless it’s a window unit or some other portable air conditioning system, we really advise against this.

The fact of the matter is, there are very careful steps that must be taken in order to successfully install an air conditioner, and if any of these steps are missed or done too fast, it could lead to problems such as refrigerant leaks, inefficient system operation, and even a premature system breakdown.

Of course, if you’re shopping for an air conditioner this time of the year, when temperatures are at their highest, then we do understand the sense of urgency. Rushing into a large purchase like this could leave you sacrificing comfort and efficiency. Read on as we outline a few of the main reasons you should only trust a trained professional for the job, if you truly want a successful AC installation.

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