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Benefits of an Air Purifier for the Winter Season

Sick woman blowing her nose

If you’ve been thinking about a whole-house air purifier, but you’re on the fence about whether or not to get one, this blog is for you. There are so many benefits of having a whole-house air purifier in Salem, VA, especially at this time of the year.

Your indoor air quality suffers as your home is more closed up in the wintertime to keep the cold out. Keep reading to learn more about the ways an air purifier can benefit both your HVAC system and your family this winter season.

The Winter Dilemma

You’re more likely to keep your home closed up in the winter to keep cold air out and heat inside. While this is great for comfort when it comes to the temperature, it’s a practice that traps bacteria and allergens inside your home without as much fresh air coming in.

An air purifier helps immensely during the winter season to keep your family healthy when sicknesses are more likely. Of course, an air purifier is beneficial all year long, but during the summer you are more likely to spend time outside in the fresh air and open windows or door to let fresh air into your home.

Eliminate Bacteria

When you think of staying well and not getting sick, the first thing to come to mind may be cleaning your home. You wipe down surfaces with disinfecting wipes to kill germs and bacteria, but what about cleaning the air you breathe? That’s what an air purifier does. It fills the gaps you can’t reach when you clean surfaces around your home.

In fact, an air purifier can actually reduce the bacteria present on surfaces since there are fewer germs in the air to begin with. Whole-house air purifiers work around the clock to remove harmful particles from the air. Even as you are bringing new germs inside with you, an air purifier is eliminating them from the air so they can’t recirculate again and again.

Reduce Allergens

A typical HVAC air filter cannot capture the smallest particles in the air. This is a quandary because investing in an air filter with a higher MERV rating leaves your HVAC system struggling to bring air through the tight-knit fibers. Even though an air purifier has a strong filter, it also has a strong motor that pulls air through without straining.

When you invest in a whole-house air purifier you’re likely to see a reduction in allergy symptoms. Just like bacteria, you’ll continue to bring allergens in from the outside. Your air purifier will ensure that the concentration of particles remains very low.

Elevate Overall Comfort

The bottom line is that you’re more comfortable and relaxed when you are healthier and face fewer allergy symptoms. Your body will be able to relax instead of being constantly bombarded by harmful particles. You’ll sleep better at night and be more well-rested during the day. It’s what you deserve when you’re at home!

We can help you make the best choice for an air purifier installation. Rely on the experts at W.C. Butler Heating and Air Conditioning and schedule an appointment today.

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